Don’t Let Others Determine Who You Are

Have you ever let someone else’s view of you determine your actions or change your outlook on life? This is a natural part of life and is important to each individual’s growth, but not every comment is constructive and some things are better left unsaid.

Childhood is one of the most important times in your life, developmentally. As you grow and try new things, you begin to get a feel for who you are, what you can do, and what you like. There can be many influences, both positive and negative that can affect your path and determine who you become. At this age, without a real strong grounding in the world around us, we are easily influenced and need others to look out for our best interests.

The world around us is magnificent and there are limitless possibilities to the things we can do, but we must be wary of how we limit each other. The next American music star could get discouraged from continuing his singing aspirations after being tormented by jocks and called “gay” for his passion. The next NFL Hall of Famer may end his career in college after dropping a dance class that would have improved his timing and form enough to take him to the next level, all because of a few words from some buddies. ThereBe-The-Change-You-Want-To-See-In-The-World is no telling how much influence our words can have, so we should be aware of how we use them. By trying to make sure everything we say reflects a respect for human dignity, we will be a much better person because of it and can influence others to do the same. Like Ghandi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

In addition to choosing your words wisely, choose to surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you, but be aware as humans, it is in our nature to err or make mistakes. Through forgiveness and understanding we can cultivate a forgiving and understanding environment within our friend group that can ultimately spread and influence the community, and even the world. Being a part of this type of group can act as armor against the sharp words that previously had the power to cut deep, and can allow us the opportunity to bring others into the fold. Remember, those people who are hurting others, are typically hurt themselves and can benefit from a kind word or act. Don’t just reach out to people you like, but also to people who look or act like they need a friend. This life wasn’t created to be lived alone, so speak up and reach out to others around you; you never know when one kind word could be the difference that inspires a suicidal child to choose life.

Be yourself, love yourself, and let others experience the uniqueness of you. Rather than waiting for your situation to change, “be the change you want to see in the world.” Be understanding, loving, and forgiving, and your actions may bear fruit. Don’t forget, “hurt people hurt people,” so rather than avoiding those who have harmed you, reach out, and be the influence they need to see their worth and the worth of the others around them.

Here at Perri Solutions LLC, we hope to aid in the fight to end bullying through our own education and marketing services. We offer training for parents, town hall sessions, facilitated discussions for schools and other organizations, targeted campaigns for education services, and much more.

For more information, follow the link and see how you can be a positive force in your community and how we can help you do achieve that goal: Contact Us.

For more information about bullying:

American Psychology Association Bullying Page

US Department of Education Parent Fact Sheet

Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center: Bullying Info and Facts


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